Edit detail for MonoScope revision 2 of 2

1 2
Editor: damberger
Time: 2014/11/07 21:26:37 GMT+1
Note: fixed links to old wiki address

- - <a href="http://www.cara.ethz.ch/CARA/Wiki/SpectrumNavigation">Navigation</a>
- - <a href="http://www.cara.ethz.ch/CARA/Wiki/PeaksAndPeaklists">Peaks and Peaklists</a>
- - <a href="http://www.cara.ethz.ch/CARA/Wiki/WorkingWithOtherProgramsImportExport">Import and Export</a>
- - <a href="http://www.cara.ethz.ch/CARA/Wiki/BatchIntegration">Integration</a>
 - "Navigation":SpectrumNavigation

 - "Peaks and Peaklists":PeaksAndPeaklists

 - "Import and Export":WorkingWithOtherProgramsImportExport

 - "Integration":BatchIntegration


MonoScope is the basic tool to display a single spectrum, display XEASY peaklists on a spectrum, manipulate peaks and integrate the peak volumes.

More information is available on ...

The Scopes

NEXT: SliceScope