Edit detail for Release_1.1 revision 1 of 1

Time: 2004/04/28 15:10:27 GMT+0

Welcome to release 1.1 of CARA!
This release is a consolidation of the prototypes. Due to your extensive feedback and additional enhancements I could now replace the old versions of the scopes by the new ones (up to now identified by the 2-suffix). Also the printing engine is now equiped with the new peak inference engine. Many issues and requests have been considered in this release (see IssueTracker).

- ReportViewer: now available for all new scopes (except for SynchroScope because it still uses the old inference engine). 

- StripScope:

  - Path simulation for strip anchors is switched off if the anchor dimensions carry unique spin label declarations (i.e. the side chain HN/N strips are not visible). This can be changed in the View menu (Do Pathsimulation).

  - New strip query "All assigned strips" presenting all strips in ascending order of their assignment

  - New Slice menu with pick bound functions

- SystemScope:

  - As in StripScope the chemical shift statistic ranges can now be displayed in the strip using the option "Show Rulers" of the View menu. The rulers change with the selection of the residue type.

  - Independent label formats for strip and ortho plane. Use *Show Labels* in Strip and Orthogonal menus. The labels of the ortho plane are off by default.

  - Ortho plane now shows vertical frequency lines for the peaks of the selected system.

  - Strip now allows peaks to be moved horizontally (if vertical cursor is on) and reacts to chemical shift changes of strips anchor position. 

  - "Show Spin Path" again available and working correctly.

  - New Slice menu with pick bound functions

- PolyScope:

  - Propose Spin only possible if the vertical strip dimension is a NOESY dimension. A spin link is always created between the NOESY dimension and the dimension represented by the procedure step immediately before NOESY. The same rule also applies to SystemScope and StripScope.

  - Contour levels of a 3D plane are now taken from the 3D spectrum.

- Others:

  - New label format "Main Sys./Res. Number" available in all scopes and Print Preview.

  - Ghost peaks don't show labels by default. You can switch this on/off using "Show Ghost Labels" in View menu.

  - Save As for scripting editor

  - Many fixes for items in Issue tracker (see the completed items)

  - New "Reverse Steps" function for spectrum types (Reverses the order of Steps in Experiment Procedure)

Have fun!


Welcome to release 1.1 of CARA! This release is a consolidation of the prototypes. Due to your extensive feedback and additional enhancements I could now replace the old versions of the scopes by the new ones (up to now identified by the 2-suffix). Also the printing engine is now equiped with the new peak inference engine. Many issues and requests have been considered in this release (see IssueTracker?).

  • ReportViewer?: now available for all new scopes (except for SynchroScope because it still uses the old inference engine).
  • StripScope:
    • Path simulation for strip anchors is switched off if the anchor dimensions carry unique spin label declarations (i.e. the side chain HN/N strips are not visible). This can be changed in the View menu (Do Pathsimulation).
    • New strip query "All assigned strips" presenting all strips in ascending order of their assignment
    • New Slice menu with pick bound functions
  • SystemScope:
    • As in StripScope the chemical shift statistic ranges can now be displayed in the strip using the option "Show Rulers" of the View menu. The rulers change with the selection of the residue type.
    • Independent label formats for strip and ortho plane. Use Show Labels in Strip and Orthogonal menus. The labels of the ortho plane are off by default.
    • Ortho plane now shows vertical frequency lines for the peaks of the selected system.
    • Strip now allows peaks to be moved horizontally (if vertical cursor is on) and reacts to chemical shift changes of strips anchor position.
    • "Show Spin Path" again available and working correctly.
    • New Slice menu with pick bound functions
  • PolyScope:
    • Propose Spin only possible if the vertical strip dimension is a NOESY dimension. A spin link is always created between the NOESY dimension and the dimension represented by the procedure step immediately before NOESY. The same rule also applies to SystemScope and StripScope.
    • Contour levels of a 3D plane are now taken from the 3D spectrum.
  • Others:
    • New label format "Main Sys./Res. Number" available in all scopes and Print Preview.
    • Ghost peaks don't show labels by default. You can switch this on/off using "Show Ghost Labels" in View menu.
    • Save As for scripting editor
    • Many fixes for items in Issue tracker (see the completed items)
    • New "Reverse Steps" function for spectrum types (Reverses the order of Steps in Experiment Procedure)

Have fun!
