The windows version is available for download.
Version 0.9.1 has the following improvements (compared to 0.9):
- Preliminary Report/PrintPreview?-Window. Menu "Print Preview" in MonoScope
- NEASY can now be opened without the FileSelector? for the spectrum.
- CARA can load *.cara, *.param, *.xep or *.xed files when given on the command line. Double click on the files in Windows Explorer is supported, as long as the ending is associated with CARA.
- Export PeakList in MonoScope keeps peak numbers and assignments (from previous imports).
- Setup Spectrum Batch in MonoScope now has a AddAll and RemoveAll menu.
- Name now includes part of file ending when importing spectra into project.
- Peak Curve now has ToolTips indicating value and spectrum per line (but don't resize the window).
- Some bugs removed: e.g. random quit when closing window, crash in AlignmentWindow, etc.