This is the first official release after an extensive testing phase. Thank you all for your valuable feedback, which helped to improve the software. The following features have been added since the last release:
- CARA Spectrum Format: New compression scheme "8bit Adaptive" and clipping for all available schemes. With clipping you can reduce the amplitude range to the effectively needed area, i.e. there is no need to save the water line of a noesy which takes 90% of the ampltitude range, but we effectively need only 10% of it. The spectrum format remembers the original and the clipped peak amplitudes, so automatic peak pickers can find out where they should start looking for peaks.
- General: Contour views now can also correctly auto scale negative only spectra.
- CARA/Lua:
- New dlg.pushCursor, dlg.pushHourglass and dlg.popCursor
- New Spectrum:getCorrelation and Spectrum:getConvolution
- New spec.saveSpectrum and spec.saveBuffer
- Phaser: no longer preliminary. Slices and planes are now properly redrawn and a pivot point can be set for Psi (first order angle)
- Neasy-Window: There was a bug in the assignment window on linux, which led to an infinite loop and a crash. Shouldn't happen anymore.
I wish a happy new year to everybody!