This release continues the extension of all scopes by the new peak inference engine. This week we focus on StripScope.
- New StripScope2 (to replace StripScope) which now can open any 3D spectrum (even rotated, always using dim. x and z for anchor positions) and also displays ghost peaks.
- New command SS to select the spin system from the list according to the strip where the command was executed.
- Export Atomlist repaired: now also exports spins assigned to atom groups.
- PolyScope2:
- Options "show links", "show inferred" and "show unlabeled" separately adjustable for plane and strips.
- ZLL to set strip label format. (e.g. "zll 7")
- SystemScope2: horizontal frequency lines in ortho plane again visible. Persistent X range in ortho plane.
- All new scopes:
- Remove alias repaired: alias is now removed if you do "move alias" on the alias position or if you enter the home position for the alias.
- Folding borders also visible in strips
- GS (goto system) and GR (goto residue)
- All scopes with a strip display now initially have their "show unlabeled" option off for the strip part (because you can now "pick label").
- WF to set the new "strip width factor" (persistent in CARA file project).
- New menu item "Set Peak Depth" (to set the peak width in depth direction).
- Scripting: there is now an import, export and duplicate function for script management.