Edit detail for FingerPrint revision 1 of 1

Editor: damberger
Time: 2007/06/22 17:52:28 GMT+0

 The fingerprint region of a protein consists of all the amide proton to alpha proton correlations. Typically these are the starting point for assigning spin-systems in homonuclear assignment. They are picked in the COSY spectrum.

 Below the fingerprint region has been selected for expansion by click-dragging in the DQF-COSY spectrum of a 36 residue protein.

 <img src="FingerPrintRegionInWholeSpectrum.gif" /><br>

 After releasing mouse, HomoScope zooms into the fingerprint region:

 <img src="FingerPrintExpansion.gif" /><br>

 "Return to Homonuclear assignment":HomonuclearAssignment

The fingerprint region of a protein consists of all the amide proton to alpha proton correlations. Typically these are the starting point for assigning spin-systems in homonuclear assignment. They are picked in the COSY spectrum.

Below the fingerprint region has been selected for expansion by click-dragging in the DQF-COSY spectrum of a 36 residue protein.

After releasing mouse, HomoScope zooms into the fingerprint region:

Return to Homonuclear assignment