Edit detail for MaximumResidueNumber revision 7 of 12

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Editor: damberger
Time: 2014/11/08 00:11:09 GMT+1

- MonoScope is the basic tool to display a single spectrum, display XEASY peaklists on a spectrum, manipulate peaks and integrate the peak volumes.
- <img src="monoscope.gif" /><br>
- More information is available on ...
- - "Navigation":SpectrumNavigation
- - "Peaks and Peaklists":PeaksAndPeaklists
- - "Import and Export":WorkingWithOtherProgramsImportExport
- - "Integration":BatchIntegration
-"The Scopes":Tools
-NEXT: SliceScope
 <img src="01-MaximumChainNr.png" /><br>

BACK: StructuresOfComplexes

<img src="01-MaximumChainNr?.png" /><br>

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