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Editor: damberger
Time: 2009/04/03 17:12:54 GMT+0

CARA Resources

  These tutorials were written by  Fred Damberger and Pascal Bettendorff. "Feedback"::mailto:damberge@mol.biol.ethz.ch is welcome.

  You can proceed from one topic to the next using the NEXT link at the bottom of each tutorial page. Or you can return to this Tutorial Index from a link at the bottom of each tutorial page.

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*      "Download and Installation":DownloadOverview

*      "The Basics :":GettingStarted

 *            "Navigating in a Spectrum":SpectrumNavigation

 *            "Working with Peaks and Peaklists":PeaksAndPeaklists 

*      "The Repository :":Repository

 *            "Importing a Template":ImportingTemplate 

 *            "Create a new Project":CreateNewProject

 *            "Importing spectra":ImportSpectra

*      "The Tools :":tools

 *            MonoScope

 *            SynchroScope

 *            StripScope

 *            SystemScope

 *            HomoScope

 *            PolyScope

*      Tutorials: 

 *            "Heteronuclear Backbone Assignment":HeteronuclearBackboneAssignment

 *            "Heteronuclear Sidechain Assignment":HeteronuclearSidechainAssignment

 *            "Homonuclear Assignment":HomonuclearAssignment (includes working with N15-labelled proteins)

 *            "Integration":Integration 

 *            "Structure Calculation":StructureCalculation

 *            "Working with other programs: Import and Export":WorkingWithOtherProgramsImportExport 

 *            "Advanced topic: Editing repositories":EditingRepositories

*      Tips and Tricks: 

 *            "Command Line shortcuts":ShortCuts

 *            "Folding and Aliasing":FoldingAndAliasing 

 *            "The Global cursor and Global Zoom":GlobalCursor

 *            "Overlaying contours":OverlayContours

 *            "Create a new Spectrum Type ":CreateSpectrumType 

 *            "Create a new Residue Type ":ResidueType

 *            "Pseudo Atoms":PseudoAtoms 

 *            "SpinSystemTypes":SpinSystemType

 *            "Fast access to Reference Chemical Shifts, Amino Acid Tables, ...":ReferenceValues

 *            "LUA: CARA's scripting language":CA-LUA

 *           "FAQ":FAQ - Frequently asked questions</a>

CARA Resources

These tutorials were written by Fred Damberger and Pascal Bettendorff. Feedback is welcome.

You can proceed from one topic to the next using the NEXT link at the bottom of each tutorial page. Or you can return to this Tutorial Index from a link at the bottom of each tutorial page.

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