Edit detail for Credits revision 3 of 3

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Editor: damberger
Time: 2015/09/18 16:13:41 GMT+2
Note: changed the CDT sentence so it refers to the past since CDT members are different now.

-- The CARA Definition Team (CDT) consists of Pascal Bettendorff, Fred Damberger, Rochus L.J. Keller and Peter Güntert. These people contributed to CARA with ideas, concept evaluation and evolution, documentation and support, and many other things like driving the author ;-)
- The original CARA Definition Team (CDT) members were Pascal Bettendorff, Fred Damberger, Rochus L.J. Keller and Peter Güntert. These people contributed to CARA with ideas, concept evaluation and evolution, documentation and support.

  • CARA and the NMR Application Framework (NAF) were conceptualized, designed and implemented by Rochus L.J. Keller, rkeller@nmr.ch
  • The original CARA Definition Team (CDT) members were Pascal Bettendorff, Fred Damberger, Rochus L.J. Keller and Peter Güntert. These people contributed to CARA with ideas, concept evaluation and evolution, documentation and support.
  • The Integrator module of CARA makes use of the NEWMAT 10 C++ library (c) 1991-2002 by R. B. Davies.
  • CARA and NAF make use of the Qt 4 C++ class library as a platform independent OS and window abstraction layer.
  • The NEASY window of CARA versions ≤ 1.5.5 descended from the programs EASY and XEASY, originally written by T. Xia, R. Glaser, C. Bartels, P. Güntert, C. Eccles, N. Schäfer & M. Billeter (at the group of Prof. Dr. Kurt Wüthrich, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, ETH Zürich).
  • LUA 5.0, the excellent scripting language built into CARA, was written by R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo and W. Celes (at Tecgraf, PUC-Rio, Brazil).
  • The project was funded by DATONAL AG, CH-6343 Rotkreuz.

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