Edit detail for DownloadOverview revision 1 of 1

Editor: damberger
Time: 2007/01/25 18:15:01 GMT+0

CARA Download and Installation

 * TemplatesPage is the site for downloading CARA templates which set up the reference libraries and include useful scripts.

 * "Installing CARA":InstallCara describes how to install CARA on different platforms. It's easy!

 * "Mailing Lists":MailingLists describes the !IssueTracker used to track problems and their solution. A useful resource.

 * KnownBugs is a list of known bugs and potential workarounds.

 * "FAQ - Frequently asked questions":FAQ is a list of questions asked by users and their answers.


CARA Download and Installation

  • TemplatesPage is the site for downloading CARA templates which set up the reference libraries and include useful scripts.
  • Installing CARA describes how to install CARA on different platforms. It's easy!
  • Mailing Lists describes the IssueTracker used to track problems and their solution. A useful resource.
  • KnownBugs is a list of known bugs and potential workarounds.
  • FAQ - Frequently asked questions is a list of questions asked by users and their answers.
