Edit detail for ScriptToDoOtherThings revision 1 of 1

Editor: damberger
Time: 2008/12/09 10:32:49 GMT+0

Scripts that don't fit into any other catagories:

 Return to "Main CALUA page":CALUA

 * <a href="printkeycode.lua">printkeycode.lua</a> : returns the code of the pressed key (trivial).

 * <a href="DefineInfo.lua">DefineInfo.lua</a> : After executing this script once, the command "Info( !ObjectClass)" in the LUA terminal prints all available functions of a given object class.

Scripts that don't fit into any other catagories:

Return to Main CALUA page

  • printkeycode.lua : returns the code of the pressed key (trivial).
  • DefineInfo.lua : After executing this script once, the command "Info( ObjectClass)" in the LUA terminal prints all available functions of a given object class.