Edit detail for ColorCode revision 1 of 1

Editor: damberger
Time: 2015/04/02 14:32:56 GMT+2
Note: created page about ColorCode

!ColorCode and Color

 Some objects (Peaks and SpinLinks in CARA can be colored using the Color and !ColorCode properties.
 Somewhat confusingly, Color is an integer, and ColorCode is the actual color associated with that integer. 

 The !ColorCode (an actual color) associated with a given Color (integer) can currently **only be set** in the PeakList navigator displayed within MonoScope.

 How to define the !ColorCode associated with a given Color:

 1. Open a spectrum with MonoScope (open with the PeakList directly, or open/import/create (Peak pick) a peaklist after opening the spectrum)
 2. Display the PeakList (View-Show List or shortcut 'pl')
 3. Right-click on a peak in the list and select "Set Color".
 4. Enter an integer if desired, or leave unchanged and return. All peaks with Color = this integer will have the same !ColorCode.
 5. Right-click on the peak in the PeakList and select "Set ColorCode"
 6. A color palette will open. Click on the desired color and click OK.

ColorCode and Color

Some objects (Peaks and SpinLinks in CARA can be colored using the Color and ColorCode properties. Somewhat confusingly, Color is an integer, and ColorCode is the actual color associated with that integer.

The ColorCode (an actual color) associated with a given Color (integer) can currently only be set in the PeakList? navigator displayed within MonoScope.

How to define the ColorCode associated with a given Color:

  1. Open a spectrum with MonoScope (open with the PeakList? directly, or open/import/create (Peak pick) a peaklist after opening the spectrum)
  2. Display the PeakList? (View-Show List or shortcut 'pl')
  3. Right-click on a peak in the list and select "Set Color".
  4. Enter an integer if desired, or leave unchanged and return. All peaks with Color = this integer will have the same ColorCode.
  5. Right-click on the peak in the PeakList? and select "Set ColorCode"
  6. A color palette will open. Click on the desired color and click OK.